Can You Flush Gum Down the Toilet?

Some kids think it is great to send a legion of plastic soldiers down the toilet to go swimming, but most of us know that there are certain things that you should never flush down the toilet. You might think some things are okay to flush because there hasn’t been a plumbing problem, but that doesn’t mean that it is safe or good to do so. But can you flush gum down the toilet?

Because many people are staying and working from home these days, our bathrooms are getting a lot more use than they ever have. If you want to help prevent your toilet and plumbing pipes from becoming clogged every now and again, you should not flush down gum or any other foreign object other than toilet paper down the toilet.

Can You Flush Gum Down the Toilet?

We may be guilty of flushing some chewing gum down the toilet every now and then, but it really is not good practice. You or your little ones shouldn’t make a habit of doing it. We all know that chewing gum will not break down if it is put in water. Putting it in a toilet pipe and letting it sit there for a long time can cause a big mess. It’s very sticky and sticks to the wall of your pipes pretty easily. If you flush a lot of chewing gum down your toilet and some other stuff in there, you will have a big clog that will mess up your life quickly.

Flushing a toilet
Flushing a toilet

People do not understand that modern gum base is actually plastic. It’s just not sustainable. It will not break down and dissolve away. It’s very imprudent to flush gum or anything else that will not break down. It may not cause a clog in your plumbing instantly, but if it does cause a clog in pipes, it’ll be very difficult to remove the gum and unclog your toilet.

Think about it like this. If your system cannot digest chewing gum, what makes you think your toilet system will break it down? It could cause a slow clog like hair, and other things you put down the drain can get stuck there and cause clogs. Just throw it in the trash to be safe.

The Bottom Line

It is very dangerous to flush gum down the toilet. It is very sticky and insoluble. Being sticky means, you risk clogging your pipes. As gum is insoluble, it may cause major problems for your system in the future. It is not advisable to swallow the gum that you have chewed, and it is not advisable to flush the gum down the toilet. When you are done with your chewing gum, just put it in the garbage. It will likely remain stuck in your pipes and cause them to be blocked on the way to your septic tank.

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