5 Causes Of A Whistling or Squeaking Shower Sound and How To Fix it

For many of us, taking a relaxing shower is a peaceful moment at the end or the start of a long day. However, this is OK as long as your shower doesn’t make a whistling or squeaking sound in your ears. In most cases, a noisy shower indicates that it needs some attention. So, if your shower is making a squeaking or whistling noise, we’ll review the five most common causes for this and how to fix or replace them.

Continue reading to learn more about this unpleasant shower sound and what you can do to resolve it.

What Are The Causes Of A Whistling or Squeaking Sound In A Shower?

There are a few potential causes for a whistling or squeaking sound occurring whenever the shower runs. In addition to being an obnoxious irritation to you, your family, and maybe even your residents, these sounds signify issues that need immediate attention. So, knowing the major cause and the solution to it can help you fix your shower in no time.

A few of the causes include:

Clogged showerhead

clogged mineral deposits in a showerhead

The gradual accumulation of mineral deposits in plumbing and other components, such as your shower head, is a frequent source of clogging, particularly in regions with high-hardness water. A significant amount of minerals gives hard water its characteristic taste and texture. Over time, accumulated minerals from hard water may cause your showerhead’s small openings to become clogged and ineffective.

Quick Fix

A straightforward method is available to determine whether or not your showerhead has been obstructed. You only need to turn the water on by turning off the shower head and the connecting pipe. If you are no longer hearing the whistling or squeaking sound, you can be sure that the clogged showerhead is the reason for this. However, you may purchase a new showerhead or use a simple DIY cleaning procedure to remove buildup from a showerhead. On the other hand, it is necessary to narrow down your list of possible causes if the showerhead still makes a noise.

A malfunctioning shower valve

shower valve knob indicating hot and cold
Image from Heavenly Hands Help Property Maintenance

When you change the matching knobs on the shower valve, you can manage the amount of hot and cold water mixes and the flow rate. It is possible that a malfunctioning shower valve is to blame for the squeaking sounds and leaks surrounding the temperature controls. Accessing this valve will likely need going around the wall and coming in from behind the shower.

Quick Fix

As much as this can be a DIY fix, it is easy to make mistakes that end up being both hazardous and expensive. Hence, if you think one of the shower valves is the source of the squeaking or whistling noises, contact a professional plumber near you.

A wear-out diverter valve

a shower diverter valve

Using a diverter valve, you may swap between the showerhead and the tub faucet with the press of a button. And this can be pretty cool. However, like the shower valve regulating water flow and temperature, the diverter valve may wear out over time. And this might leave your shower making that unpleasant noise.

Quick Fix

Homeowners may determine whether or not this valve is the source of the problem by tugging on the diverter handle and listening for any changes in the sound’s pitch or volume. Your prediction is correct if it works.

A clogged showerhead pipe

clogged showerhead pipe
Image from Juan Gomez

As with a blocked showerhead, mineral deposits and limescale development in the showerhead pipe may cause problems over time, resulting in whistling or squeaking sound when the deposit chokes up the pipe.

Quick Fix

The solution to this problem is to remove the showerhead and clean the pipe. Carefully raise the arm, then add a little amount of white distilled vinegar that has been diluted with water. After the solution has been allowed to settle for at least an hour, the arm should be returned to its starting position, and the solution should then be allowed to flow out. Check for any whistling by re-starting the water to clean up the pipe and give it another rinse. However, while this can look like a simple DIY fix, contacting a plumber with specialist equipment guarantees the task is done correctly and promptly.

A Clogged Shower Cartridge.

using a wrench in replacing a defective shower cartridge
Image from TIMS – Truly Impeccable Maintenance Services

The shower cartridge is positioned in the shower valve, and if there is a blockage in this area caused by dirt, your shower will start with a whistling or squeaking sound.

Quick Fix

Shower cartridges are susceptible to wear and tear over time, much like the handle valves, and will eventually need to be replaced.

For this reason, it is best to seek the help of a plumber to fix your shower’s whistling problem.

Get the Help of a Professional

A shower’s squeaking or whistling sound is more than just a nuisance. If the source of your squeaking shower isn’t addressed, it could result in serious plumbing issues in the future. However, some of this unwanted noise can be stopped with simple tools and a little DIY technique. For repairs beyond your abilities or comfort level, it’s always best to call a professional.

Remember that your shower squeals or whistle for various reasons, so don’t panic if it does. The good news is that most repairs are simple and quick. So, locate a trusted plumbing shower repair expert near you to begin the repair process.

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