How to Clean Shower Tiles Without Scrubbing

Shower tiles are one of the most vulnerable spots in your house as they get easily dirty. Cleaning and scrubbing the shower tiles on a regular basis might become troublesome for you.

There are plenty of methods you can use to clean the shower tiles without scrubbing. Using hot water and steams, baking soda, vinegar, and other safe chemicals you can clean shower tiles quite easily. 

You should also be aware of the reasons why shower tiles become filthy in the first place. To know about all these in detail, read the article right now!

What are The Causes of Dirty Shower Tiles?

Well, it makes sense to consider why a space gets dirty despite daily cleaning. Your shower area does receive water on a daily basis, but it is wastewater. 

Following a shower, the wastewater left on the tiles begins to collect filth and dirt, which is obvious. Thus, the following are the main causes of filthy shower tiles:

  • The tiles can be difficult to clean after a shower because of the residue that is left behind.
  • Water that is too hard may cause the minerals to adhere to the shower floors, giving them a cloudy texture.
  • Yes, soap—detergents and soap both produce a scum-like, grimy deposit on the tiles that collects more filth.
  • Even after cleaning the shower tiles, the grout lines still accumulate the most filth. 

How to Clean Shower Tiles Without Scrubbing- 8 Useful Methods!

Cleaning your shower tiles might not be the hardest thing to do. But if you scrub your shower tiles frequently they may lose their shine and have some wear and tear. Then you must be thinking, about how to keep the shower clean without scrubbing.

Let’s look at the ways to clean your shower tiles without scrubbing.

Method 1: Using Hot Water

Choose steam cleaning if you don’t want to employ forceful techniques or abrasive cleaners. Half of this issue can be resolved by just running hot water. 

Keep the water going for that purpose for a minimum of 10 minutes. Additionally, keep your distance from the hot water that is running. Allow the steam to accumulate in the shower or bathroom. It will cause the pores to open and the dirt/grime particles to become looser.

Method 2: Making Use of Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda

Here, using things that are commonly accessible is the key. Both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are accessible in any household. 

You should combine water and hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture, and then sprinkle the shower tiles. For 30 minutes, leave it on while you unwind. 

Using a terry towel or scouring pad, scrub the shower tiles, then rinse them. Along with removing the stains, it will polish the surface and leave it looking clean.

Method 3: Using Vinegar and Detergent

Use any dishwashing soap and vinegar to make a DIY cleaner. In fact, vinegar is the acidic substance that works best to remove filth, grime, and bad odors. 

Combine vinegar and detergent in an equal ratio for shower tiles. Also, it is ideal if the mixture is slightly warm. Spray the shower tiles with the mixture after pouring it into a little spray bottle. 

After an hour, watch the magic happen on the tiles. You may now bid spots and dirt particles farewell.

Method 4: Baking Soda And Vinegar Paste

You undoubtedly have vinegar and baking soda in your home. It’s time to start cleaning with these wonderful substances. 

Create a paste out of baking soda and vinegar, then apply it to the soiled tiles. More vinegar should be sprayed over the tiles, then left to sit for an hour. 

When the paste begins to bubble, the filth rises to the surface, and water is then used to wash the shower tiles. Hopefully, the filth and mildew won’t reappear.

Method 5: Using Hot Water and Bleach Solution

This cleaning technique is best to use if there is a fungus on your tile floors. Combine hot water and Bleach to make a cleaning agent in a bucket. A 25 percent bleach solution is recommended.

The filthy dirt should next be scrubbed away using a grout brush. The bleach does an excellent chance of protecting the fungus from coming back.

If the fungus is still present on the surface, you can apply disinfectant directly by mixing toilet paper and bleach to make a paste. While putting on rubber gloves, press them on the fungus area. Then leave it alone for 12 hours. In order to get rid of any last bits of debris, wipe the paste off the tile and grout.

Method 6: Shower Tile Cleaning Using Steam

You can utilize steam cleaning if your DIY remedy is ineffective and you need to stay away from harmful chemicals.

To eliminate tedious labor like scrubbing tiles, steam cleaning devices have been designed. High-temperature water is used in a steam cleaning to immediately shoot steam into the grout. There is only a slurry of filth left, which you can easily rinse off.

A tubular steam cleaner ideal for cleansing shower tiles is available for purchase or rental; some cleaners come with nozzle attachments for different surfaces.

Before going on to the next, wipe on tiny amounts until they are completely clean. To prevent the contaminated water from seeping back into the grout, rinse the tiles as quickly as you can.

Method 7: Using Oxygen Bleach

The ability of oxygen bleach to clean is well known for eliminating filth from grout lines.

Furthermore, using oxygen bleach to clean grimy shower tiles is simple because it requires little effort to scrub. Three tablespoons of oxygen bleach and two pots of warm water should be combined. Give the mixture a minimum of fifteen minutes to settle on the grout and tiles of your shower.

Apply a paste of oxygen bleach and several drops of water to the cracks and tiles if the flooring is still dirty. Scrub the filth from your bathroom using a little toothbrush. Additionally, make absolutely sure to vent your bathroom after applying bleaching or any other potent cleaner.

4 Tips For Keeping Your Shower Tiles Clean

By maintaining some small routines you can keep your shower tiles clean for a long period of time. Look at the three tips below for maintaining clean shower tiles.

Tip 01: Every day, give the bathroom a light cleaning

This does not imply that you should regularly deep clean the bathroom. Instead, it means completing those quick, 20-second actions that will restore your bathroom’s cleanliness each day, such as washing down the counters, the tile backsplash, and/or the sink, and spot-cleaning the bathroom mirror or floor tile.  

However, if you practice it every week, you’ll see that it gets simpler and you become more effective.

Tip 02: Shower tiles should be vacuumed

Sweeping and mopping are great, but occasionally a vacuum cleaner’s strong suction is all that’s required to remove hair and dirt from bathroom tile, whether it’s on the wall or the floor.

Tip 03: The tile should be warmed up

When at all possible, turn on the faucet’s highest water setting and pour a few inches of hot water into the sink and bathtub to heat the space. Apply hot water to difficult tile areas as well. 

Remove the hot water after cleaning the nearby tile; alkaline cleansers are known to work much more effectively when the temperature is higher.

Tip 04:  Start at the top and work your way down

Cleaning from the top down is recommended if your bathroom contains tile on the floor, as a splash, and around the tub. Spray the antibacterial cleanser liberally, then scrape the surface from the top to the bottom. 

As a result, your cleaning session will be more effective because cleaner and filth won’t drip or fall onto the areas that have previously been cleaned.


Why Does Tile Grout Get Dirty?

The majority of grout is porous and made of cement, making it prone to becoming clogged with particles, dirt, and soapy residue.

This could lead to the formation of bacteria, mold, or mildew, which could stain your grout, clog it up, and possibly have negative health effects. Additionally, because grout is frequently light in color, it is very difficult to cover up or correct stained grout.

You can maintain your grout by utilizing basic home items like vinegar and following a few easy steps.

What is the easiest way to clean shower grout?

The majority of grout is porous and made of cement, making it prone to becoming clogged with particles, dirt, and soapy residue.

This could lead to the formation of bacteria, mold, or mildew, which could stain your grout, clog it up, and possibly have negative health effects. Additionally, because grout is frequently light in color, it is very difficult to cover up or correct stained grout.

You can maintain your grout by utilizing basic home items like vinegar and following a few easy steps.

How do I make my dull shower tile shine?

Bicarbonate soda and vinegar solution is the ideal approach to polish shower tiles that are just dull due to lack of routine washing. The hardest areas should be covered with baking soda, followed by a coating of vinegar spray. Allow it to bubble and sit for a while.

This will get rid of soap scum buildup and hard water stains. To remove soap marks and water residues from the grout and tile, scrub with baking soda and vinegar. The tile should be cleaned with hot water and polished with a clean cloth.

A homemade tile polish composed of bicarbonate soda and water could be used on a daily basis and rubbed with a soft cloth.


Beautiful and clean shower tiles can improve the environment in a shower. But maintaining a clean shower might be difficult as it may require regular scrubbing. Thanks to this article, “how to clean shower tiles without scrubbing”, you now know the methods for keeping the shower tiles clean without scrubbing. 

Make sure to avoid scrubbing on a regular basis as it will remove the shine from the tiles. This will make your shower experience worse.

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