How to Fix Leaking Shower Pan Without Damaging The Base?

Your shower pan typically doesn’t get much thinking, but if it starts to leak, it may be a pain. Therefore, the query is How to fix a leaking shower pan?

To repair a leaking shower pan, apply epoxy or masonry sealant and replace the grout, shower pan liner, and shower pan with a prefabricated pan. While replacing the pan itself is a long-term fix for leaking shower pans, other quick fixes include replacing the grout and pan liner and applying the epoxy.

The solution to fix the leaking shower pan has been examined from every conceivable perspective. To learn more, stick with us.

Signs Your Shower Pan Is Leaking

Here are a few indicators that your shower pan is leaking, as well as some fast fixes.

  • Deflection- The shower pan may be a warning sign of deflection if you observe any odd slope or if it seems unstable as you walk in or out. Deflection, defined as an upward and downward movement, may signify that the shower pan’s subfloor has begun to give way due to water damage. You should get it evaluated right away since it poses a serious safety risk if the subfloor has been harmed by water leaks.
  • Shower Pan Cracks – Shower pan cracks are the first obvious symptoms of shower pan deterioration. Breaking is a symptom that your plastic pan has failed if it is constructed of plastic. Cracks in the pan itself, as opposed to the grout or tiles, are a red flag with stronger materials like porcelain. If the shower pan is cracked or splintered, stop using the shower until you can fix it.
  • Moving shower pan – Shower pans shouldn’t move when installed properly since they are often firmly fastened to the floor with bolts, concrete, and sealant. Your shower pan is likely to leak if there is even the slightest movement. If the pan moves clearly when you clean it or walk into it, there is a problem.
  • Poor shower drainage – If the drain is clogged with too much debris, water may pool and leak into the shower’s floor between the drain and the shower pan. Additionally, improperly and carelessly built drainage will allow water to soak into the floor.

Why My Shower Pan Is Leaking?- Common Causes

Your leaky shower pan might be caused by a number of factors. These causes are discussed below:

  • Motion – If the shower pan is properly fastened, it shouldn’t move about. This is because the caulking behind it should offer sufficient support, appropriately covering it when used. This is so that the sealant can ensure sufficient support without any movement. 

Therefore, it is wise to select high-quality materials that make it durable rather than light materials, like plastic, that shatter quickly and eventually let water into the foundation.

  • Deterioration – A shower should last a very long time, especially if it was installed perfectly and without error and was used properly. This is sometimes ascribed to the absence of any moving components. Like any other material, it is susceptible to a great deal of wear and tear, particularly when coming into contact with water.
  • Poor Drainage – Poor drainage frequently causes seepage to the adjoining floor in the space between the shower pan and the drain. This issue in the surrounding areas is frequently brought on by subpar buildings or, in certain cases, an excessive amount of debris.
  • Displacement or Diversion – The deviation that occurs after being subjected to a load is known as displacement or diversion. This can be explained as a change in the initial gradient specified for how the water is supposed to drain.

How to Fix a Leaky Shower- 4 Easy Steps!

Steps to Follow

The detailed instructions on how to fix your leaking shower pan are provided below.

Step 1: Put a new shower pan liner in

To create a watertight seal, cover the pan’s gaps and edges with a shower pan liner. To do this, carefully inspect the shower pan and any points where it joins the wall or the borders of the shower drain for gaps and cracks.

Since the liner may eventually wear out again and cause new leaks, replacing the shower pan liner is only a temporary solution for leaking shower pans.

Step 2: Put masonry sealant or epoxy on.

Before using masonry sealer or epoxy to fix a leaky shower floor, repair the shower grout and clean the shower floor. To create a waterproof shower floor, seal the tiles after that.

As opposed to the straightforward fractures and voids that epoxy may correct, this is a temporary solution for a leaky shower pan because the problem could be a moving pan.

Step 3: Replace the shower floor’s grout. 

Using a grout saw, remove any loose grout from the tiles, blow it out, and then, to restore the grout, put an adequate quantity of grout between the tiles and where they meet the shower wall. Before using the shower again, seal it and let it dry overnight.

Step 4: Use a prefabricated pan in lieu of the shower pan

Depending on the condition of the shower pan, this is a long-term solution for leaky shower pans and will endure for several years. The majority of shower pans are composed of composite or fiberglass materials. With the correct equipment, replacing a shower pan is only a few simple steps. Make sure the pan is well sealed to prevent water from escaping through the sealing, which might be quite expensive to replace.

Repairing a Leaking Shower Drain Without Taking Out the Pan

Take a look at the methods listed below, which will put you on the right track to fixing a leaky shower drain without the hassle of pulling out the pan. 

  • Unfasten of Metal Drain Cover: Start by removing the metal drain cover from the drain, continue by cleaning the drain. With a flathead screwdriver, you might be able to remove the lid from some drains. The screws on some must be taken out. If so, save the screws in a secure location so you can subsequently replace the lid.
  • Compression Gasket Disposal: With the help of the pliers, remove and get rid of the compression gasket. One on either side of the gasket should be snipped using the pliers. Once it has become free, turn it in the opposite direction. After that, using the pliers to squeeze the gasket on one side, remove it from the drain.
  • Unfasten the shower drain body: Make two vertical cuts in the drain’s body with the hacksaw, spaced about one inch apart. After that, cut through the drain flange with the hacksaw.

Once the shower drain body has been removed, the drain’s rim will be visible. Clean the rim of the drain. This rim will get dirty even in the cleanest showers, so don’t worry. Before beginning, properly clean the rim. The rim may be cleaned using a cloth.

  • Replace the Gasket: Insert the replacement gasket into the aperture. It need to be situated in the middle of the drain body’s rim. Using your fingertips, coat the stainer body’s outside with the plumber’s putty. Ascertain that there is adequate putty beneath the strainer’s rim.
  • Screw the new shower drain body in and use putty to seal it: Fix the new shower drain body with screws. Until it is firmly secured, turn the replacement shower drain body clockwise.
  • Wipe Away Any Extra Putty From the Drain: Use a putty knife to remove any extra putty from the drain. You may polish it using a cloth. Before using the shower, allow it to dry overnight.


How much would it cost to fix a shower pan?

Shower pan installation or replacement costs between $900 to $2,300 on average. The price of a shower pan varies depending on its size, kind, construction, features, labor, and foundation type.

What is the expected lifespan of a shower pan?

In most cases, your shower pan will endure between five and 10 years. Its pan, like the base of a shower, has to be updated regularly, depending on how often you use it.


By now, is it clear to you ‘How to fix leaking shower pan?’

Given that we’ve covered all there is to know about the topic, we assume you’ll say “yes.” You must admit that it isn’t difficult to fix a leaking shower pan, but it does require caution. As long as you’re patient while choosing the right instruments and applying them appropriately, you’ll like the outcomes!

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