Yes, urine is heavier than water. When you pee, your urine will most likely sink to the bottom of your toilet bowl. There are many reasons why your urine is heavier than water. However, the simplest way to explain this is that your urine contains salt, making it denser than water in the toilet bowl. Read through this article’s end to get precise information about why your urine is heavier than water.
Reason Why Urine Is Heavier Than Water
Generally, the toilet water may contain less salt than in your urine, but it can also be that your urine has much protein. Other particles present in the urine, such as glucose, proteins, and ketones, also make it heavier than water.
Specific Gravity for Urine
Urine is made up of soluble particles or solutes. If it lacked these solutes, the specific gravity for urine would be equivalent to that of water, which is 1.000. Doctors conduct the specific gravity test for urine to determine how many solutes are composed in urine compared to that in water. As a rule of thumb, your urine’s specific gravity is higher when your solute concertation is higher.
Thus, if your urine has more solutes than water, it implies that it’s denser than water and hence sinks to the bottom of the toilet bowl. According to the physiology and anatomy of urine, some of the solutes found in urine include ketones, proteins, and glucose.
Normal Urination Volume
The standard urination volume daily is approximately 2.5 liters. Generally, the average urination volume depends on your gender and age.
Thus, urinating more than 2.5 liters of urine daily can raise eyebrows. Such a condition is referred to as polyuria. However, excreting excess urine can only be a cause for alarm if it happens over a period.
Most people discover polyuria during the night when they make endless trips to their toilet bowls. If this happens, visit your doctor for a medical checkup. Don’t hesitate!
Urine Color
If your urine appears clear, it’s a good indication that you’re getting enough fluid. It also implies a healthy urinary system. However, If you regularly see clear urine and notice that you are really thirsty, it’s best to call your doctor. Urine color may also vary depending on what you drink or eat.
Different colors of urine may indicate you are dehydrated, have eaten or taken certain medications, or have an underlying medical condition.
Why does my urine separate when I go to the bathroom?
Dark urine separating from toilet water is often a sign that you are dehydrated. But, it may also be an indication that there are some unusual or dangerous waste products in your body. If you have dark brown urine, it may mean that you have liver disease because of the amount of bile that is in your urine.
Why is my urine so dark?
Urine naturally contains some yellow pigments that are called urochrome or urobilin. The darker your urine is, the more solutes it contains hence more concentrated. Dark urine occurs as the result of being dehydrated. It may also indicate that you have dangerous waste products in your body.
What is the time water takes to get excreted from the body?
Dehydrated people need to continually drink plenty of water to stay healthy, and the water gets absorbed and transported to the kidneys to help detoxify. It takes a person about 9-10 hours to excrete urine, amounting to 2 cups.
Wrapping Up
Good urine density and concentration imply how well your kidneys work. A higher density may indicate an underlying medical condition that has affected the status of your body fluids. Please note that a specific gravity urine test can’t diagnose underlying medical conditions. However, it can help identify health conditions causing you to be dehydrated.
Amos Christen graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from Drexel University — Philadelphia, PA. Since 2003, Amos has worked with top interior design professionals in this area, including architects and interior/graphic/lighting designers. As a skilled interior designer, Amos Christen is highly versed in fine arts and crafts and uses that to supplement his main area of expertise. He often publishes articles related to home décor on several websites, including,, and He also contributes to leading interior design magazines.