Why are Toilets Ceramic or Porcelain?

One of the must-have items of every household is a toilet. Without a toilet, you most probably would have a miserable day. 

You must have spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet. And most likely, the thought “why are toilets ceramic or porcelain”, has crossed your mind. 

Ceramic or porcelain toilets have all the qualities of an ideal toilet. These toilets are easy to clean, durable as well as affordable. No other material can make a perfect toilet in comparison to ceramic or porcelain. 

There are also many benefits of a porcelain toilet. Furthermore, you also need to know how to keep the porcelain toilet in a good condition. 

a clean white porcelain toilet

Dive into this article in order to know all these and much more in detail!

Why Are Toilets Ceramic or Porcelain?

One of the important, if not the most important, parts of a person’s home is their toilet. Most probably you have also spent a considerable amount of time in your toilet. 

And perhaps sitting on the toilet, your mind stumbles around the question “are toilets made of ceramic?” 

The question is quite valid as toilets are indeed made out of ceramic. To be more precise, toilets are made of porcelain which is a type of ceramic. 

Porcelain consists of a mix of clay, sand, and feldspar. Granite contains the naturally occurring mineral feldspar. Sand solidifies the composition while feldspar melts and fuses everything together. And this strengthens porcelain and increases its stain resistance.

Now you might wonder, why are toilets made out of porcelain? There are several reasons behind going for porcelain. Here are a few of them: 

1. Easy to Clean

a gloved hand cleaning a porcelain toilet using a sponge

One of the reasons why porcelain is used for making toilets is that it is easy to clean. Porcelain toilets are more stain-resistant due to their composition. 

That is why the porcelain toilets remain clean for an extended period. This ensures an overall clean atmosphere in the bathroom. As a result, the bathroom will be less vulnerable to bacterial diseases. 

2. Durable

As porcelain consists of feldspar, it is one of the most durable materials out there. Feldspar is a mineral that is often found in high quantities and is referred to as a rock-forming mineral.

And that is why porcelain toilets are more durable than other materials. 

3. Affordable

Due to the convenience of molding and coloring porcelain, porcelain toilets may be produced at a reasonable cost. For this reason, porcelain toilets are within reach of most consumers. 

porcelain toilets with different styles

As porcelain has all the qualities of an ideal toilet material, toilets are made from it. 

5 Key Benefits of Ceramic Toilet

Apart from being easy to clean, durable, and affordable, ceramic or porcelain toilets have some advantages. And you might wonder, “What are the benefits of a ceramic toilet?” The answer can be found in the following five points. 

1. Less Porous

Porous materials are those materials that have a large pore count. These types of materials enable liquid to pass through and soak into the material’s body. 

Porcelain is a material that is less porous and on the other hand, wood is more porous. That is why porcelain toilets are much less likely to accumulate any filth.

2. Cleaner Appeal

Porcelain toilets also have a much nicer and cleaner appeal than different materials. This appearance of porcelain toilets improves the overall appearance of the bathroom. 

Other materials like stainless steel or wood have a textured appearance. For this reason, the toilets made from these materials stand out in the bathroom for the wrong reasons. 

3. Visibility 

One of the important tasks of maintaining a toilet is to make sure that the toilet bowl is clean. If not kept clean then many bacteria will remain in the toilet. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the toilet, you need to be able to see all the dirt clearly.

visible stains or dirt on porcelain toilet bowl
Image from Total Cleaning Services LLC

Porcelain toilets are also usually clearer to identify as dirty as they are white. That is why you will be able to notice even the small specks of dirt in the toilet. Thus you will be more inclined to wash the toilet more frequently.

4. Easy Cleaning Process

Porcelain toilets may be cleaned rather quickly since dirt is least prone to become deeply embedded in the porcelain.

Porcelain’s non-porous nature ensures this, but other materials like wood or even some kinds of metal could be more challenging to clean since the dirt and grime can become deeply embedded.

5. Less Likely to Rust

Porcelain has an edge over most metals because it won’t rust or corrode. Porcelain is less prone to rust than metals since corrosion is already there due to its chemical links of ceramics being oxidized at the onset.

Why Are Toilets White?- 4 Reasons

You have most probably noticed the majority of the toilets are white. This is not a random decision made by the manufacturers. There are some valid reasons why toilets are made white. Some of the reasons are:

1. Porcelain 

The color of porcelain is the primary factor in why toilets are white. That’s true because it is composed of porcelain, your toilet is known as the porcelain throne.

2. Represents Cleanliness

Toilets are white for a second reason: cleanliness is frequently linked to that color.

This has a long history in our country. White is regarded as a universal symbol of innocence, purity, and hygiene in almost all myths and faiths. This notion crept into every part of our lives over time, even our lavatories.

Consider your reaction if you entered a restroom and discovered a brown toilet. Unexpectedly, you might not need to use the restroom.

3. Easy-to-See Dirt

Let’s face it, toilets provide a very disgusting function. And it’s crucial to know when to clean our toilets if we want to protect ourselves from any bacteria that can be on them.

You can clearly identify when your toilets are unclean because they are white. Even though it might sound disgusting, keeping our toilets the gleaming white that they should be can protect us from bacteria.

4. Price

The fact that the toilets are mostly white and inexpensive should not be a surprise.

Hardly anything has to be put on porcelain because it is already white. 

The cost of toilets is kept low by maintaining the natural appearance of the porcelain. If you want to freshen up the appearance of your bathroom, consider adding a colorful toilet seat for a splash of color.

Comparison of Different Types of Toilets 

Ceramic or porcelain toilets is not the only types of toilets available in the market. There are other types of materials which are used to make toilets. For example, 

  • Stainless Steel Toilet
  • Wooden Toilet
  • Plastic Toilet
  • Concrete Toilet

Let’s see how these materials can be compared to one another based on “easily cleanable”, “durable”, and “affordable”. 

Type of MaterialEasily to cleanDurableAffordable
Porcelain YesYesYes
Stainless SteelYesYesNo
Concrete NoYesNo

Based on the table, you can easily understand why porcelain toilets are far better than other types of toilets. 

How to Remove Stains from Ceramic Toilets – 4 Steps 

Ceramic or porcelain toilets are super easy to clean and they are highly stain-resistant. But prolonged use of toilets might still result in different types of stains. 

Follow the following steps in order to remove the stains from your porcelain toilet.

Copper Stains from Toilet Bowl

Step 01

The shutoff valve is normally found behind the toilet. Close it. To remove the extra water, flush the toilet.

Step 02

One to two cups of sodium bicarbonate should be added to a container before adding just about enough vinegar to create a paste. Baking soda may react and spill into the container if there is too much vinegar added.

Step 03

Wear a pair of latex gloves, then use your gloved hands to spread the mixture towards the stains. To release the accumulation, let the paste rest for a minimum of 10 minutes.

Step 04

Use a toilet brush or a damp pumice stone to wash the toilet bowl thoroughly. To rinse, turn on the shutdown lever and clean the toilet twice.


What type of material is most toilets made of?

The majority of modern toilets are constructed of porcelain, a hard ceramic material. Beautiful kitchenware is also frequently crafted from this material. Porcelain or ceramic clay plates are pricey and delicate, yet they are incredibly sought-after for their stunning, shining appearance.

In addition to the usual porcelain toilets, there are other toilets that are constructed of plastic and are frequently used in portable restrooms. However, plastic is not a long-lasting alternative to have at home because it deteriorates with repeated use and is less hygienic and sanitary than a porcelain toilet.

What Is A Toilet Bowl?

The big base that the user sits on is called the toilet bowl. The majority of toilet bowls are composed of vitreous china, which is waterproof and stain-resistant and has an oval or round opening to take waste.

An interior C-shaped trap that removes garbage is built into the bowl. The trap also serves as a seal to prevent sewage gasses from leaking into the house by holding a small supply of fresh water.

What Are Modern Toilets?

The toilet has seen the biggest change since indoor plumbing was introduced in recent years. High-efficiency toilets are one component of the extensive bathroom renovation. These toilets are more popular in American houses and require less water per flush. 

Second, the smart bidet heralds the arrival of technology in the bathroom, decades after it improved life in the kitchen.


Toilets are one of the most common household items. But it is very surprising that people know so little about them. Thanks to this article, “Why are toilets ceramic or porcelain”, you now know a lot of things about them. In particular about ceramic or porcelain toilets. 

Furthermore, you know about the additional benefits of porcelain toilets. As well you have seen why porcelain toilets are far better than the other types of toilets. 

However, you will have to be careful and maintain the proper cleanliness of your porcelain toilet in order to keep it in a clean state.

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