Why is My Toilet Water Blue?

You usually expect to see clear water every time you flush the toilet, but you’ve started noticing blue-colored water in there? That can seem weird and get you worried. Your toilet water can appear bluish due to reasons such as having corrosion in your copper pipes or high levels of copper. This article will explore the causes behind blue toilet water and how you can prevent it.

Toilet water usually turns blue due to corroded copper pipes or the usage of blue toilet water tank tablets. High levels of copper can harm your health and damage your plumbing system. It is best to find the root cause and eliminate it.

Toilets help us achieve the ultimate level of hygiene. Hence, it’s pretty difficult to ignore the maintenance of our toilets. We use them day after day and for years. This kind of frequent use can cause wear and tear.

Trust us; you don’t want to end up with a toilet that isn’t functioning. Seeing blue water in your toilet or even the tinges of a blue ring can cause concern. You need to address this issue immediately to avoid damage due to high levels of copper or corrosion in your copper wires.

Why Is Your Toilet Water Turning Blue?

There are only a few things that can cause the water in your toilet to turn blue. So, it will be pretty easy for you to identify the root cause and fix it. Here are the main reasons why your toilet water may be turning blue:

Corroded Copper Pipes

Some plumbing lines are made up of copper pipes, or your house might be getting its supply from copper pipes. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this unless the lines are old and corroded.

Copper in these pipes can experience corrosion due to exposure to oxygen and chlorine in regular tap water. This oxidized copper is what gives the water a blue tinge.

Although copper pipes are durable compared to lead ones and last more than 50 years, blue water in the toilet indicates that yours are wearing out. They were an excellent choice in the 1990s. However, they have been replaced with PEX pipes that contain no metal and are at less risk of wearing out.

Blue Toilet Tablets

A lot of homeowners like to use cleaning tablets in their flush tanks. Most of these products use blue dye and turn the water in the toilet bowl blue.

Although these tablets may feel convenient for keeping the water in the tank fresh looking, the use of these tablets is quite controversial.

a person putting a blue toilet tablet in a toilet tank
Image from Juliet Pascual

Blue toilet tablets can corrode the seals around your toilet and destroy your plumbing. These tablets contain chlorine which can damage parts like your flush valve. You can use them occasionally but not too frequently.

High Copper Levels

It’s worth asking your neighbors whether they are experiencing the same appearance of blue water in their toilet. High copper levels in your area of living may be the culprit. If others are facing the same issues – it is likely the soil in your area has high levels of copper.

Why Is There a Blue Ring In Your Toilet?

Oxidation occurs when the copper reacts with oxygen in the tap water. The first sign of copper oxidation is a blue ring appearing in your toilet. This stain appears around the boundaries of the water in the bowl. It doesn’t affect the quality of the water, but it doesn’t look nice.

This is another indication that your copper pipes are corroded. You can get rid of the stain for the time being by using cleaning chemicals or a pumice stone. However, it will still keep appearing if the corrosion in the pipe is remedied.

How to Prevent Blue Water In Toilet

Trying to get rid of blue water from the toilet can be overwhelming because it’s not easy to cure the cause. You can take some steps to get rid of the blue ring in the toilet.

a plumber replacing copper pipes with plastic pipes

Replace Your Piping

The leading cause of blue water in the toilet is corroded copper pipes. There is no way around this other than replacing your pipes. You will need to take the copper plumbing system out and replace it with plastic.

This isn’t something you can do on your own. You will need to enlist the help of a professional for this. A licensed plumber will be able to tell you how much time and money the replacement will cost.

Start Using Water Filters

The permanent solution will always be to replace your pipes. However, you can use water filters as a temporary fix. These filters will remove the traces of copper from the water before it gets to you in the toilet. Following are the types of filters you can use:

  • Carbon filters
  • Ion exchange filters
  • Fluoride filters
  • Chlorine filters

These filters are great at getting rid of copper traces and other unwanted elements as well.

a plumber removing a copper pipe using a wrench
Image from Jessica Cave

Is Copper Dangerous for Humans?

The reason why it’s strongly advised to change your pipes as soon as possible when you see traces of blue water is that it’s dangerous. If there are traces of copper in your toilet water, it exists in your tap water.

Copper ingestion is highly detrimental to human health. It can cause:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease

Copper can most adversely affect infants below the age of one. Their bodies cannot eliminate copper quickly, and they can experience severe side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.    Is it okay to use the toilet if the water is blue?

You can use the toilet if the water is blue due to using blue water tablets or even copper corrosion. However, in the case of copper corrosion, you should replace pipes or use filters to avoid your health getting affected.

      2. What if my pet drinks blue toilet water?

Blue water is usually diluted in the water, and it doesn’t cause any harm to your cat or dog if they drink it. However, if they chew the tablet directly, it may cause concern, and you should take them to the vet immediately.

     3. Are blue water tablets bad for the environment?

Blue water tablets are made up of harsh chemicals that can damage your toilet and plumbing system and harm the environment.

Final Thoughts

Blue toilet water is a cause for concern because it indicates a problem with your plumbing. It means your copper pipes are corroding. The permanent solution is to replace your plumbing. However, until you can do this, you can use water filters to filter out the traces of copper.

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