Will Pumice Stone Damage or Scratch My Toilet?

Pumice stones are often used as a natural exfoliant, but can they be used to clean toilets? Some people believe that pumice stones can damage or scratch toilets. But is this actually true?

The simple answer is NO. As long as the pumice stone is wet it won’t damage porcelain toilets. However, if you use it dry, it will produce scratches even on the porcelain surface. The same is true for plastic and wooden toilet seats. Pumice stone when used on plastic and plastic surface it often produces scratches.

Further, in this post, we will discuss in detail the composition of a pumice stone, and how you can use it effectively to clean your toilet. We will also discuss whether or not pumice stones can cause any damage to your toilet in the long run.

What is a Pumice Stone and Where does it come from?

Pumice stone is a natural volcanic rock. It forms when magma and ash escape from a volcano and solidify in the air. Depressurization causes hundreds of small air bubbles inside the stone. That is why, the resulting rock is very light and porous, making it ideal for use as an abrasive.

Pumice Stone that is Used For Cleaning Toilets
Pumice Stone that is Used For Cleaning Toilets

Pumice stone has been used for centuries to cleanse and exfoliate the skin. It is gentle enough to use on the face and is effective at removing dead skin cells and revealing new, healthy skin. The interesting fact is that, in ancient times, Romans and Greeks used to rub this stone over their foot skin to remove hair.

Pumice stone is found in many parts of the world, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Chile, Russia, and the United States.

Furthermore, pumice stone is also a popular material for making jewelry and other decorative objects. It is often used in lapidary, or the art of cutting and polishing stones. However, being non-toxic and abrasive in nature, its use for cleaning the toilet has increased over the years.

How to Use a Pumice Stone to Clean Your Toilet? [5 Simple Steps]

Pumice stones are great for cleaning toilets because they are non-toxic and won’t scratch the porcelain.  

However, people often don’t just start cleaning their toilets with a pumice stone. First, they try to remove the stains with light cleaners, like vinegar or dishwashing soap.  Then, they rub off the pumice stone to get rid of hard stains, rings, and calcium deposits.

By adhering to these steps, you can clean your toilet with a pumice stone:

Step 1: Pour Dish Soap or Vinegar into the bowl

cleaner and vinegar

Pour a cup of dish soap into the bowl. A cup of vinegar will also be fine. Don’t flush, let it stay there for 15 minutes.

Step 2: Add hot water to the Bowl

Fill the bowl with hot water so that it pushes away the dish soap, which was already there in the toilet. By now, small stains would have cleared from the toilet.

Step 3: Soak the Pumice Stone in Water

Next, you need to make sure that the pumice stone is wet. You can either soak it in water or make it wet by running it in water for a few minutes.

I suggest you take a bucket full of clean water since you will need to make the stone wet during the job as well.

Step 4: Rub the Stone Gently over the Stains

If your skin is sensitive, or you don’t want to get your hands dirty, use gloves.

Apply even, forceful pressure in a circular or back-and-forth motion while scrubbing stains and markings away with the stone. The worn-away pumice and water will produce a paste, which will leave a gray residue on the porcelain’s surface. Keep using the paste and don’t rinse it off.

Check your progress on the stains by rinsing the surface with clean water every few minutes while scrubbing. If one region is finished, you should go on to the next.

Always keep the stone moist by dipping it into the water while you work on it.

Step 5: Flush Your Toilet

After you are done using the toilet, give the bowl a quick flush to remove any remaining waste.

The toilet should now look clean and tidy.

Does Pumice Stone Damage or Scratch Toilets?

Now, the main query asked by people is that can pumice stone put scratches on the toilet? To explain this, I would state that the toilet is made up of porcelain. Porcelain is a hard, fine-grained ceramic material. While pumice stone is a light, porous substance. It may be abrasive in nature but it is actually softer than porcelain and won’t scratch or damage toilets.

However, you need to also remember the fact that all these mentioned things are true when the pumice stone is wet. If you use it dry, there are great chances the bowl will get scratched.

Similarly, the pumice stone is only good for toilet surfaces made out of porcelain i.e. toilet bowls or tanks. For wooden or plastic toilet seats, using this stone will leave scratches.

Where Can I buy a Pumice Stone?

Pumice stones are widely available and can be purchased at most hardware stores, home improvement stores, and online retailers. They are usually very inexpensive, costing less than $10.00.

Things to Keep in Mind When Using Pumice Stone?

Here are things you need to keep in mind while using a pumice stone.

#1 Don’t Use Pumice Stone on Wooden/Plastic Toilet Seats

Pumice stones will easily scratch wooden or plastic toilet seats since they are softer than stone. Especially, the scratches are very prominent on wooden seats. So, it is advised not to use a pumice stone to clean any of these materials.

#2 Use it Wet

soaking pumice stone in water

If you use the pumice stone dry, chances are there it will scratch your toilet. So, make sure the stone is wet all the time while cleaning.

#3 Don’t use it on Glass or Marble

You know that glass can be scratched even with nails. Since pumice stone is quite abrasive in nature, it will surely put scratches on glass or marble surfaces.

#4 Wear Gloves when cleaning with a Pumice Stone

If you don’t want to get your hands dirty or your skin is sensitive, make sure to wear gloves when doing the cleaning job.

Wrap Up

Pumice stones are great for cleaning toilets and getting rid of hard stains. But, you need to be careful while using them. Always wet the stone before using it and don’t use it on other materials like wooden or plastic seats. By following these tips, you can easily clean your toilet without damaging it.

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